WISED 2024

From 11/27/2024 to 11/29/2024

Lyon - France


Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de LYON - CRNL
Centre Hospitalier le Vinatier

95 Bd Pinel, 69500 Bron

Amphithéâtre Jean Guyotat
bâtiment 416, 2ème étage


By public transport:
- Tram T2 & T5 - Desgenettes stop
- Tram T6 - Vinatier stop
- Bus C8 - Hôpital Cardiologique stop
- Bus C9 - Hôpitaux Est stop

By the road:
- From the Lyon center: the main entrance to CH Le Vinatier is located at 95 Boulevard Pinel 69500 ​​Bron
- From the motorway: Boulevard Périphérique Laurent Bonnevay, “Hôpitaux Est” exit, then at the roundabout turn left towards the Vinatier internal gate